Sissy Bouncer Big Freedia, w/ Flash & Flare, Jesse Walker September 19, 2012

Bigfreedia-salt-lake-cityDon't miss this CW Concert Pick coming up on September 19th at Urban Lounge.

From City Weekly

A Big Freedia concert is the sweatiest, down-and-dirty grind fest that you might ever go to. I caught Big Freedia two years ago—simply, it was incredible. The sissy bounce darling—along with drag queens Katey Red, Sissy Nobby and Cheeky Blakk—yells out potty-mouth chants (“Bend it over/ Bust it open/ Bend it and make your booty whop”) over the singular trigga-man beat. It’s an underground musical movement that grew organically out of little Crescent City neighborhood clubs—the story of all New Orleans music—and despite gaining national popularity, the club vibe is maintained at whatever venue is lucky enough to welcome a little booty-whop. Local DJ support courtesy of Mr. Jesse Walker and Flash & Flare.

Big Freedia
 Sep 19, 2012 
Time: 9 pm
Phone: 801-746-0557
Address: 241 S. 500 East, Salt Lake City, 84102
Where: The Urban Lounge

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