Revolv Mag

Sean Means from the Tribune reports on a myserious magazine that popped up around SLC last week. I was equally curious when I saw a copy and assumed it was some kind of invented media for Sundance... but maybe not? It looks pretty great considering past attempts.

From the Culture Vulture | The Salt Lake Tribune:

I came across a new arts-and-culture magazine for Salt Lake City the other day, but I'm not sure what to make of it.

It's called Revolv (yes, with the missing "e" on the end), but there's not much revealed about its origins. The magazine has no masthead and a bare-bones contents page. The website is a placeholder that promises "we'll be exploding into your atmosphere soon." It's a free publication, though how widely it's distributed is a bit unclear.

UPDATE: Ask and ye shall receive. I got an e-mail from Revolv's publisher and editor-in-chief (and photographer and distribution guy, too) Shane D. Gosdis.

Here's his response in a nutshell: "I worked as a senior associate for the last several years at an international law firm, but seriously hated my life. I have wanted to do this for quite a while and just decided to do it."

via more at


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