Equality Utah Allies Dinner tonight w/ Dustin Lance Black

I must thank my dear friend Troy Williams and Jennifer Ellen Mueller of Flow Yoga Studios for getting me a seat at the sold out Equality Utah 'Allies Dinner' tonight w/ Academy Award winning Writer Dustin Lance Black. The Allies Dinner is always the Gayest Show On Earth (next to Sigfried & Roy) but it's always a great time and it's refreshing to be with 'my people' every now and then. I just need to pick the right bowtie...


81st_Annual_Academy_30c6 Guest Speaker: Academy Award Winner Dustin Lance Black will keynote the September 28th Equality Utah Allies Dinner tonight. A magnet for media attention, Black is recognized for his passionate plea for gay rights when receiving the Oscar for Milk and for winning two Writers Guild Awards for his work on the television series Big Love. A remarkable speaker, Mr. Black promises to inspire the entire audience.


Live from the Allies Dinner

