Renegade Pride Float

InUtahGayPride2009RAIN JesseWalkerInUtahGayPride2009

I was proud to be on the IN UTAH float for Utah Pride this past weekend. In what turned out to be a comedy of errors, we almost didn't get out the gate due to a missing amplifier, a moment where the key was locked in the truck (that was driving our float) and then torrential rain from the get go. Thankfully the IN team came through by helping me get my sound system from home (in under 20 min... record time), and by holding a tarp over me and the equipment for the duration of the parade. We had tons of fun despite the weather and it was a memorable experience no question. The best part was taking the wrong way back to unload which allowed us to swing by an unsuspecting Temple Square. I think we surprised a couple of families on their way to church service. More about our adventure in this IN UTAH article, and more video can be seen here, here and here.


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