A Lot of Dirt and Sand

Stephanie Leitch, who you may remember from her dripping honey installation at TRASA gallery last year has a new work opening as part of a show called “Desert” at Westminster College this Friday. "Desert" is ayear-long endeavor to heighten campus and public awareness of our endangered environment through dance, music, visual art and spoken word. Using the Bonneville Lake bed as her point of reference, Leitch will have a large-scale, multi-media installation taking up a large portions of the conservatory's lobby, using a lot of dirt and sand. Could be interesting.

Tickets are available by phone at (801) 450-8977 or at the door - $10 general admission, $8 students and seniors (Westminster Students $5 with ID).

Westminster College
Emma Eccles Jones Conservatory
1840 South 1300 East
Salt Lake City, UT

May 16 and 17, 2008
7: 30 p.m. - General opening
** Friday night only** 6 p.m. - Visual arts exhibition opens for Gallery Stroll


Chicago's "Promoters' Ordinance" To Cripple Local Music


Show Some Leg