Election Night Blues


This is a picture of me and my friend Tara with Pete Ashdown's lovely wife Robin and one their youngest daughters at last night's Democratic election party. Pete who is behind us talking to cameras, surprised everyone by getting a fairly substantial 31 percentage of votes for Senate. He was even neck and neck with Hatch until the votes from Utah's most insulated county finally came in. Pete ran his campaign just like you could only imagine in todays political climate and that was reflected right up until his speech last night, which was honest and inspired.

All in all, it was a huge night for the Dems nationwide (as I'm sure everyone knows by now) and the world is at large is breathing a sigh of relief that we can finally put some brakes on this administration's recklessness. "From Paris to Pakistan, politicians, analysts and ordinary citizens said they hoped the Democratic takeover of the House of Representatives would force President Bush to adopt a more conciliatory approach to the globe's laundry list of crises, and teach a president many see as a "cowboy" a lesson in humility."


Sparkle Sisters
