Total Panda-monium!


Dear friends, I cannot put into words how glorious Saturday night was for Nick and I at JWD. What an amazing birthday present (yes, I'm now 31) to have the night go off the charts like it did. I was honestly a little shocked! It was like a family reunion with friends old and new coming together again to celebrate and experience dance music in it's purest form. Oh, and there were pandas big and small!

We couldn't have done it without everyones involvement, positive energy, love and support (some of you for years). Also, I think I speak for everyone present when I say that the Dance-O-Lette's were beyond fucking cool! I nearly lost it just watching them bring down the house shortly after midnight.

If anyone has any pictures please send me the good ones to post in our gallery this week. Thank you once again!!!


Yang Snaps Lohan


Inspiration For Pandas vs. Mod