Reflective Skin


Some of you may have heard about a certain project I've been collaborating on for the Utah Arts Festival this year. I was very lucky to be asked by my friend Gary Vlasic, a multi-faceted artist who has done some amazing installations for the festival in years past to help concieve and produce a Sound/Art peice for 2006. It's been an exciting journey and with the expert help of musical engineer Erik Dodd we're about to get this dream off the ground.

So, with the festival fast approaching, you might start to see and hear some press happening around said project we've titled REFELCTIVE SKIN. We did a KUER radio interview that should begin running during Morning Edition starting Thursday and I'll post more information after our first performances. I would love to hear feedback from anyone who catches it, please feel free to use the comments forum below this post if you want.

Additionally, I'm programming the music for the Filthy Gorgeous fashion show that will be taking place once every night on the steps of the City & County building.



Art Crimes Against Humanity 001