By A Thread, Chloe Dao Wins Project Runway


So Chloe won last night's Project Runway finale. Gawd they found a way to drag that out beyond reason! All in all, I was bored and confused by all the collections, most dissapointing was Daniel V, who's kind persona and sexy gucciesqe creations during the show made him the easy favorite. I did like some of Santino's garments but I agree with the judges that he toned his vision down too much and there was no consistency. At least Chloe had interesting tailoring, good color choices and she followed some of the "volume" trends that we've been seeing lately from big shot designers like Balenciaga. In the end, that's all we got, cheap imitations. If this is the best America has to offer, then we only have ourselves to thank.

View all the collections here and Chloe's Lot 8 here.


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